Our Supporters

Project and Grant Supporters

We would like to acknowledge the generous support we have received since opening our doors in 2017. Contributions provided by the following organizations and individuals have enabled us to continue our work to reduce barriers and increase access to mental health supports.

Blakes Lawyers

Fitzhenry & Rheaume Family Foundation

Wesstrong Group

Caplan Angus Family Foundation

J.P. Bickell Foundation

TMU Student Affairs

The Canadian Red Cross Community Services Recovery Fund

Karen & Lembit Janes

Diane Dale

The Ontario Trillium Foundation

Mary Anne McNally

Blakes Lawyers logo
Canadian Red Cross Recovery fund logo with the Canadian red cross, Community foundations of Canada, and United way logos below
The Ontario Trillium foundation logo, a simple black and white image of a trillium flower with text in english and french on either side
Wesstrong Group Logo, the company name next to a green and blue "w"

The 250+ Donors who have Generously Contributed over the Years

We would like to thank our generous donors who have contributed to our work over the years. Without your support, we could not have sustained and grown Hard Feelings to have the important impact it has had on so many lives. 

Thank you so much to: our monthly donors; those who have directed donations to Hard Feelings in commemoration of an individual or in celebration of an event; those who have responded to our annual campaigns; those who shop in our storefront and online; and those who have added an extra donation upon checkout to support our programs when making a purchase.

What our Supporters are Saying

“Mental health does not discriminate between those with financial resources and those without. I was immediately drawn to Hard Feelings’ mission statement…and touched by the opportunity to help in any small way.”

Douglas Goodman

Monthly donor since 2023

“I am happy a safe space exisits and I hope it continues to grow and help others in need of support.”

Anonymous HF donor

“Thank you for the essential work the organization is doing!”

Anonymous HF donor

“We are thankful that we were able to assist with providing the space for (in person counselling for) 30 individuals in the past six months. Giving young adults an opportunity to be heard and hopefully get the guidance they need to navigate through life, warms our hearts.  We feel fortunate to play a small role at Hard Feelings and encourage others to become a part of this wonderful program.”

Karen & Lembit Janes

Ways to Support Us

We view donors as investors. When you donate to Hard Feelings you are investing in an organization that is working to achieve positive social impact – one that creates long-term change by promoting more equitable access for those seeking mental health supports.

Our priority is to build a sustainable and resilient organization that enables us to deliver on our mission. Big or small, when you invest in Hard Feelings with a donation, you are helping us reach more people, positively impact more lives, make bigger change in the mental health sector, and create a healthier world for us all.

One-Time Donation

Invest in our mission by donating today. Your donations support our mission to reduce barriers and increase access to mental health supports and resources.

Monthly Donations

Join our growing list of supporters who invest every month in our mission. A monthly donation, big or small, goes a long way to help us fufill our mission.

Giving in Honour or Giving in Memory

Gifts to Hard Feelings can be made in honour of a loved one, or to commemorate a special occasion. Whatever the occasion, your gift supports our mission in memory of what matters most to you.

Tax Smart Giving (Giving securities)

A donation of securities or mutual funds is the most efficient way to give charitably. Click the link below to give securities and learn how this gift allows you to give more, and get more.

Information for Supporters

We want you to understand the impact your investments in stronger mental health have made, and can make in the future. To learn more, view our financial statements, case for support, annual reports, and strategic directions below.